

Auf dieser Seite findest Du viele Informationen zur praktischen Umsetzung eines Waldgartens.

Literatur zur Umsetzung von Waldgärten

Bukowski, Catherine (2018): The Community Food Forest Handbook : How to Plan, Organize, and Nurture Edible Gathering Places. – White River Junction, Vermont : Chelsea Green Publishing.

Crawford, Martin (2012): Creating a forest garden : working with nature to grow edible crops. – Reprinted with minor amendments. – Totnes, Devon : Green Books.

Crawford, Martin (2015): Trees for gardens, orchards & permaculture. – East Meon, Hampshire : Permanent Publications.

Jacke, Dave (2005): Edible forest gardens ; Volume 1 ; Ecological vision and theory for temperate climate permaculture. – 1. print. – White River Junction, Vt. : Chelsea Green.

Jacke, Dave (2005): Edible forest gardens ; Volume 2 ; Ecological design and practice for temperate climate permaculture . – 1. print. – White River Junction, Vt. : Chelsea Green.

Hart, R. (1996): Forest Gardening: Cultivating an Edible Landscape, 2nd Edition: Chelsea Green Publishing. Online verfügbar unter

Mollison, Bill (1988): Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual. Tasmania, Australia: Tagari Publications.

Remiarz, Tomas (2017): Forest gardening in practice. An illustrated practical guide for homes, communities & enterprises. Hampshire, UK: Permanent Publications.

Smith, J. Russell (1950): Tree crops : a permanent agriculture . – Washington, D.C : Island Press, [1987].

Shepard, Mark (2013): Restoration agriculture : real-world permaculture for farmers. – Austin, Tex. : Acres U.S.A.

Toensmeier, Eric (2016): The Carbon Farming Solution : A Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and Regenerative Agricultural Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security. – White River Junction, Vermont : Chelsea Green Publishing

Whitefield, Patrick (1996): How to make a forest garden. Clanfield: Permanent Publ.

Whitefield, Patrick (2007): Das große Handbuch Waldgarten : biologischer Obst-, Gemüse- und Kräuteranbau auf mehreren Ebenen . – Kevelear : OLV, Organischer Landbau-Verl. Lau,